Philosophy Clubs

Undergraduate Philosophy Club

A student club dedicated to the introduction and exploration of first- and second-order philosophical topics from a variety of fields. Visit the club Facebook Page.

Philosophical Gender Minoritized Students (GeMS) 

A social club for philosophically minded undergraduates identifying as women, nonbinary, transgender, or other identities outside of the gender binary. Click on the Philosophy Clubs sidebar for more details. 

Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)

MAP is a collection of students in English-speaking philosophy departments that aims to examine and address issues of minority participation in academic philosophy. Though primarily led by graduate students, MAP also relies on faculty support and encourages undergraduate participation. 

Through MAP's network, students can exchange ideas on topics related to minorities and philosophy, meet and support peers, and learn from other philosophy departments. MAP chapters can choose to provide their respective departments with regular feedback on the department climate.

Though the format of MAP varies from school to school, each chapter aims broadly at addressing (a) minority issues in the profession, (b) theoretical issues regarding philosophy of gender, race, sexual orientation, class, disability, native language, etc, and (c) philosophy done from minority perspectives.

MAP is open to Philosophy majors and minor at the undergraduate or graduate level.