
Philosophy Library

Philosophy Library

The Department of Philosophy houses its own library encompassing philosophy reference materials and selected journals.


Online Resources

Students and faculty members in the UC Davis Department of Philosophy also have access to several online resources, including:

•   UC Davis Library Philosophy Subject Index 

•   Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 

•   JSTOR digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources (from subscribing institutions' IP addresses only)

•   PhilPapers, a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy literature

•   ProQuest Philosopher's Index (from University of California IP addresses only)

•   Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 

The Philosophy Library also serves as a repository of all dissertations written by Ph.D. students in the department.

Location: 1231 Social Sciences and Humanities Building

Peter J. Shields Library

The Peter J. Shields Library, the central UC Davis library, contains an extensive collection of philosophy books and journals, most of which can be found in the basement of the main library building. Recently-received journals may be found in the Current Periodicals section, also located in the basement. The separate Physical Sciences Library contains a number of logic books and journals.