Ph.D. Placements

Ph.D. Placements

Placement Data for the UC Davis Doctoral Program in Philosophy

Since the year 2000, our Ph.D. program has taken in about four new students per year, and it has averaged about 25 Ph.D. students in total at any one time. Approximately 25 percent of our entering Ph.D. students have completed the program and received a tenure-track academic job offer within 10 years of entering the program. Of the remaining 75 percent, some transferred to other Ph.D. programs in philosophy, some left the field without completing the Ph.D., some completed the Ph.D. program at UC Davis and did not seek academic employment, and some found academic employment in non-tenure-track positions.

This is a comprehensive roster showing placement information for each of the graduates of the Department of Philosophy doctoral program, dating back to 1971, when we awarded our first Ph.D. The list is complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge, but we may be unaware of some recent developments. We welcome updates and corrections.

Key to abbreviations:

  • VAP: Visiting assistant professor or non-tenure-track assistant professor
  • P: Postdoc or other fellowship
  • TT: Tenure-track or equivalent
  • T: Tenure or equivalent

Any entry not marked with one of the above abbreviations is either a non-tenure track academic position (e.g., adjunct instructor) or a non-academic position.

NameInitial position(s)Current position(s), if different from initial
Khang TônNon-academic employment (Director of Teaching from the South East Asian Center) 
Chanwoo LeeAjou University, South Korea (TT) 
Selçuk Kaan TabakçıAssistant Professor of Philosophy, Koç University 
Ramiel TamrasNon-academic employment (Assistant Publisher, Oxford University Press) 
Jordan BellLecturer, Southern Methodist University, TX 
Patrick SkeelsAssistant Professor of Philosophy, Cosumnes River College, CA 
Danielle WilliamsMellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis, MO (P) 
Max ParksEnrolled in M.S. program in computer science and information systems, University of Michigan, FlintPhilosophy instructor, Mott Community College, Flint MI
Arieh SchwartzIsrael Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH) and Council for Higher Education (CHE) Excellence Fellowship for International Researchers, Ben-Gurion University, PLondon School of Economics, P
I-Sen ChenSichuan University, TT equivalent 
Da FanWuhan University, TT equivalent 
Mandana KamangarVisiting Researcher, Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information  
Kyle AdamsNon-academic employment (freelance writing and editing) 
Tamar Schneider ZiporyThe Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University, P 
Rachel BoddyUtrecht University, Lecturer (four years) 
Tyrus FisherUC Davis 
Michael Diamond-HunterBirkbeck College, University of London, Associate Tutor (fixed term)London School of Economics, LSE Fellow, P
Ceth Lightfield  
Shawn MillerUC Davis 
Joseph MorrisPursuing degree in computer science 
Daniel NortonDid not seek academic employment 
Elizabeth RardReedley College, TTFresno City College, TT
Jacob VelasquezCosumnes River College, TT 
Timothy HoukUniversity of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston, P (two years)College of the Sequoias, TT
Christopher HealowSouthern New Hampshire University, TT 
Edward ShearUniversity of Queensland, P (two years)University of Colorado, Boulder, Teaching Assistant Professor
W. Brandon BiggerstaffUC DavisSelf-employed
Danilo Fraga DantasUniversidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)Universidade Federal da Paraiba (Brazil), Associate Professor
T. Scott DixonAshoka University, India, TT; University of Hamburg, P (two years, concurrent with position at Ashoka University)Lawrence University, TT
Brian CoffeyGrand Valley State University, VAPEastern Michigan University, Lecturer (continuing)
Emily Barranco EarlenbaughBusiness owner 
Joshua EarlenbaughBusiness owner 
Johnnie R.R. PedersenRoskilde University, Denmark; University of Warwick, P 
Jared PoonSenior Strategist, Singapore Civil ServiceAssistant Director, Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth (Singapore)
Sarah RoeSouthern Connecticut State University, TTSouthern Connecticut State University, T
Bert BaumgaertnerUniversity of Idaho, TTUniversity of Idaho, T
Christopher BuckelsPlato Centre, Trinity College, Dublin, P; University of the Pacific, VAPTheology Teacher, Junipero Serra High School
Vadim KeyserCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Fresno, TT
Huaping Lu-AdlerGeorgetown University, TTGeorgetown University, T
Greg DamicoUC DavisBellevue Community College
Jonathan DorseyTexas Tech University, VAPUC Davis
Lucas HalpinCalifornia State University, SacramentoUnknown
Nate SmithQuality Assurance Engineer, Applied Security, Inc. 
Gina CalderoneHouston Community CollegeHouston Community College, T
Nick DiehlSacramento City CollegeSacramento City College, TT
Mike TrestmanUniversity of Utah, P (one year); Indiana University, P (two years)Unknown
Dana GoswickUniversity of Melbourne, TTUniversity of Melbourne, T
Ian SpencerStudent, Graduate Theological Union 
Brooke RobertsUniversity of Idaho, VAP (one year)Attorney (declined TT offer, Idaho State University)
Jim BlackmonSan Francisco State University 
Christian CoonsBowling Green State University, TTBowling Green State University, T
David FreeloveCalifornia State University, SacramentoUnknown
Alexa LeeUnknown 
Matt HaberUniversity of Utah, TTUniversity of Utah, T
Lynne FoxCalifornia State University, Sacramento 
David ByrdUC DavisErnst & Young, San Francisco
Martin RothDrake University, TTDrake University, T
Todd HarrisUC Davis, Biochemistry PhD programUC Davis, Biotechnology, P
Russ PayneBellevue Community College, TTBellevue Community College, T
Patrick FindlerKwantlen Polytechnic University, TTKwantlen Polytechnic University, T
Robert ScofieldAttorney 
Christina WatersUC Santa Cruz (Lecturer in Art) 
Sherry DeveauxStanford University, Continuing Studies 
Judith CrossCalifornia Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo 
Richard SchubertCalifornia State University, SacramentoCosumnes River College, T
Elizabeth ForresterSacramento City College, TTSacramento City College, T
Scott MerlinoCalifornia State University, Sacramento 
Robert MuttiSan Francisco State University 
Dave NachmanoffProfessional Singer/Songwriter 
H. Mark PressmanEl Camino CollegeCalifornia State University, Northridge
Leslie StappCerritos College, TTCerritos College, T
Nancy E. SchafferUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha, TTNovelist
Jordi CatIndiana University, TTIndiana University, T
Leonard OlsonCalifornia State University, Fresno 
Melinda CampbellNational University 
Bill HirsteinElmhurst College, TTElmhurst College, T
Marina OshanaCalifornia State University, San Bernardino, TT; California State University, Sacramento, TT; Bowling Green State University, TT, then T; University of Florida, T; University of California, Davis, TUC Davis, Emeritus
David LopezAmerican River College, TTAmerican River College, T
Tony RoyCalifornia State University, San Bernardino, TTCalifornia State University, San Bernardino, T
Jay GallagherCalifornia State University, ChicoUnknown
Dirk LebenUnknownDeceased
Katharina DulckeitButler University, TTButler University, T
Ted GracykMinnesota State University, Moorhead, TTMinnesota State University, Moorhead, T
Alistair MolesVarious colleges and universitiesSierra College
Tim RocheUniversity of Memphis, TTUniversity of Memphis, T
Linda BomstadCalifornia Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, TT, then TCalifornia Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, Emeritus
Burke Hilden Unknown
Paula Hunter ManchesterUnknownBusiness owner
Jerry MosleyUnknownAttorney
Stephen HibbardUnknownUniversity of Windsor, Psychology, T
Bruce RussellWayne State University, TTWayne State University, T
John KingUnknown 
Judy WilliamsUnknown 
Fred O'TooleCalifornia Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, TT, then TCalifornia Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, Emeritus
George GaleUniversity of Missouri, Kansas City, TTUniversity of Missouri, Kansas City, T