Graduate Council Documents

Graduate Council Documents

The Graduate Council enacts the objectives and criteria for teaching and scholarship in the Philosophy graduate program, articulated in two important documents.


Graduate Program Bylaws

The Graduate Program Bylaws delineate faculty requirements for research and demonstration of expertise, define the administrative structure of the graduate program, and identify the responsibilities of its various committees, student representatives and graduate advisers. The Bylaws document also defines the procedure for amendment of the bylaws. The Graduate Program Bylaws currently in effect were approved by Graduate Council in 2007.


Degree requirements

The Graduate Council approved the current Ph.D. and M.A. Degree Requirements in 2012. The document details the admission requirements for the Ph.D. and M.A. tracks; the curriculum for each degree; the steps for advancement to graduation candidacy, including examinations; and the committees established for each program. The document also discuss the advising structure, typical timelines for advancement in the programs, incremental assessments, and curricular enrichment and supplementary funding opportunities.