



The Philosophy Department presents a number of colloquia throughout the academic year. Speakers are drawn from international as well as American universities. Many of them are from campuses in the region, including UC Davis, where our visiting faculty customarily give a talk to the Department. The links to the left give names, dates, and titles of past colloquia since 1995. The Web pages covering the years from 1998 on also contain digital photographs of nearly all of the speakers.

Colloquia Schedule - 2024-25

All talks will be held at 1:10pm in the department library unless noted


Check out the department Google calendar here.


18th Eduardo Villanueva 
25th Bas van Fraassen Barrall Family Speaker - 3:10 pm, Location tbd 

14th Valerie TIberius 
21st Michael Strevens (NYU)

7th Hannah Kim (Arizona)


4th Ron Mallon (Washington University in St. Louis)

25th Luara Ferracioli and Ryan Cox (Sydney) 

9th: Stephen Downes (University of Utah)

16th: Jessica Isserow (Australian National University)


Upcoming Conferences: 

  • Dex X  (April 13-14) 
  • DEX will be held April 13-14, 2025 in the Andrews Conference Room. 
    Our speakers are: Caroline Arruda (Tulane University), Lindsay Brainard (University of Alabama, Birmingham), Keshav Singh (University of Alabama, Birmingham), Nicholas J. J. Smith (University of Sydney), Tim Sundell (University of Kentucky), and Meg Wallace (University of Kentucky). 
  • Barrall Family Lecture Annual Series
  • More information soon!

Discussion Groups

Discussion groups meet weekly in various topics. These groups provide an outlet for graduate students to suggest and discuss selected readings specific to their research interests, present their work and receive valuable feedback, and rehearse for presentations. 

DaGERS - Davis Area Group in Ethics and Related Subjects

Bio Lab - Davis Group for Philosophy of Biology

MENTaL - Mind, Epistemology, Neuroscience, Thought, and Language

Llemmma - Language, logic, epistemology, mind, mathematics

Awards Ceremony

Each year at the end of Spring Quarter, the Philosophy Department holds an awards ceremony, in which are awarded Departmental Citations for outstanding work by undergraduates, and the Michael V. Wedin Teaching Award to graduate students who have distinguished themselves as teaching assistants.

Graduate Student Philosophical Society

The Graduate Student Philosophical Society organizes an annual conference in collaboration with the graduate students in philosophy at UC Berkeley and Stanford. The conferences rotate between the three universities. 

Philosophy Club

The undergraduate Philosophy Club meets weekly to discuss philosophical topics.  The schedule and location of meetings can be found at the club's web site, here.