2006 Graduate Handbook

2006 Graduate Handbook

Revised, 2006-2007 - Graduate Students are advised to be aware of the contents of this handbook and relevant parts of the UC Davis Catalog of the year in which they entered the program.

Handbook for Graduate Students

Department of Philosophy

UC Davis

Revised, 2006-2007

Graduate Students are advised to be aware of the contents of this handbook and relevant parts of the UC Davis Catalog of the year in which they entered the program.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Faculty

III. Ph.D. Requirements

1. Course Requirement

2. Diagnostic First-Year Paper

3. Preliminary Requirement

4. Language Requirement

5. Qualifying Examination

6. The Dissertation

7. Additional Requirements

IV M.A. Requirements

V. Associated Programs

History and Philosophy of Science

VI. General Information

1. Courses

2. Registration

3. California Residency

4. Graduate Fees

5. Normative Time/Fee-Offset Grant Program

6. Withdrawals, Leaves, Readmissions

7. Financial Aid

8. Professional Activities and Travel Resources

9. UC Berkeley Library Facilities

10. Placement

11. Advising

12. Participation in Department Meetings

13. Annual Meetings

14. Summary of Program and Satisfactory Progress


The Department of Philosophy at theUniversityofCalifornia,Davis, offers graduate study leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Students with a bachelor's degree may apply for admission to the Ph.D. program. No students whose final goal is the M.A. are admitted.

Faculty specialities are listed under their names, below. The orientation of the department is analytic.

The Ph.D. program is designed to promote a professional level of competence in philosophy, and thus to prepare students for careers in teaching and philosophical research at colleges or universities. The "normative time" for the completion of the Ph.D. degree is five years. Such factors as teaching assignments and dissertation topic can have a significant effect on the actual time required to complete the degree in individual cases. The department endeavors to provide adequate financial support for all continuing students making satisfactory progress during the normative time period, but such support is not guaranteed.

Under ideal conditions the requirements for the M.A. may be completed in a single academic year. The M.A. phase of the graduate program is designed to acquaint the student with a variety of topics and issues in philosophy, with courses required in logic, history of philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology, and value theory. (It is not necessary to obtain the M.A. degree in order to complete the Ph.D. requirements.)


Graduate Program Faculty

Gerald Dworkin, Ph.D. (UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley), Professor. Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy, medical ethics.

Cody Gilmore, Ph.D. (PrincetonUniversity), Assistant Professor. Metaphysics, philosophy of mind.

Michael Glanzberg, Ph.D. (HarvardUniversity), Associate Professor. Philosophy of language, philosophical logic, mathematical logic, philosophy of mathematics.

James R. Griesemer, Ph.D. (UniversityofChicago), Professor. Philosophy of biology, history and philosophy of science.

Brendan Jackson, Ph.D. (CornellUniversity), Assistant Professor. Philosophy of language, metaphysics.

George J. Mattey II, Ph.D. (UniversityofPittsburgh), Senior Lecturer and Graduate Advisor. History of modern philosophy, epistemology, logic.

Roberta Millstein, Ph.D. (UniversityofMinnesota), Associate Professor. Philosophy of science, history and philosophy of biology.

Bernard Molyneux, Ph.D. (RutgersUniversity), Assistant Professor. Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science.

Adam Sennet, Ph.D. (RutgersUniversity), Assistant Professor. Philosophy of language.

Jan Szaif, Dr.phil. (Freie Universit¨at, Berlin), Associate Professor. History of Philosophy, especially ancient philosophy, ontology/metaphysics, ethics.

Paul Teller, Ph.D. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Professor. Philosophy of physical science, metaphysics, logic.

Pekka Väyrynen, Ph.D. (CornellUniversity), Assistant Professor. Ethics and value theory, practical rationality, epistemology.

Jonathan Vogel, Ph.D. (YaleUniversity), Professor. Theory of knowledge, history of modern philosophy.

Michael V. Wedin, Ph.D. (UniversityofChicago), Professor Emeritus. Greek philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind.


Ronald A. Arbini, Ph.D. (UniversityofWashington). History of modern philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind.

William H. Bossart, Ph.D. (NorthwesternUniversity), Metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, continental philosophy.

Joel I. Friedman, Ph.D. (UniversityofCalifornia,Los Angeles), Logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, rationalism, metaphysics.

Neal W. Gilbert, Ph.D. (ColumbiaUniversity). History of philosophy, medieval and Renaissance thought, early modern science.

Marjorie Grene, Ph.D. (RadcliffeCollege). Epistemology, philosophy of biology, continental philosophy, history of modern philosophy.

Michael E. Jubien, Ph.D. (The RockefellerUniversity). Metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, logic.

John F. Malcolm, Ph.D. (PrincetonUniversity), Professor. Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy.




Every student must complete a total of 16 quarter courses, not including individual study courses (299s). Of these, at least 9 must be 200-level courses, of which 4 are to be distributed as follows:

  • 2 - History of Philosophy
  • 1 - Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • 1 - Value Theory

With the approval of the Graduate Advisor (GA), up to two courses from outside the department may be counted toward the Overall Requirement. Also with the approval of the GA, students with prior graduate work in philosophy at other institutions may request to have up to four of their previous graduate courses satisfy both the Overall and Distribution Requirements.

Students who have completed their course requirements detailed above are still required to register for at least one seminar per quarter.


A student must take 13 courses to satisfy the distribution requirement. Ideally the requirement would be satisfied in the first two years of residence, but students are permitted to take courses until the second quarter of the third year. In exceptional cases the GA may extend this limit to the end of the third year of residence. Students are expected to carry appropriate yearly course loads as follows:

  • No TA: 9 courses
  • 1 quarter TA: 8 courses
  • 2 quarters TA: 7 courses
  • 3 quarters TA: 6 courses

The 13 courses are to be selected from the following five general areas:

HISTORY Five courses on different historical figures, periods, or movements in the western philosophical tradition up to the turn of the twentieth century. Three of the five courses must be distributed in the following way: one course in Plato or Aristotle; two courses from any two of the following areas: Rationalism, Empiricism, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

METAPHYSICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY Two courses: one in metaphysics and one in epistemology, including one "core" course. (The core courses are 189B and 189C.)

PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY OF MIND Two courses (in different areas) from the following: philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind.

VALUE THEORY Two courses: a core course in ethics and a course in social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, or aesthetics. (The core course in ethics is determined on a year-to-year basis.)

LOGIC Philosophy 112 (Intermediate Logic), and either Philosophy 113 (Metaogic) or Philosophy 134 (Modal Logic). If a student earns a grade of less than B- in Philosophy 112, the GA may require further work to establish that the student has achieved sufficient competence in logic. Such further work would be necessary for the course to count toward the Logic Requirement. The GA may exempt students from all or part of the Requirement on the basis of previous work.


History: 143, 145, 151, 160, 161, 162, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 189A, 261, 262, 275, 290 (with the approval of the GA)
Metaphysics: 103, 106, 111, 189B (core), 201
Epistemology: 189C (core), 202, 212
Philosophy of Language or Science or Mind: 103, 111, 137, 189H, 189I, 189J, 203, 203P, 207, 208, 210, 237
Ethics: 114, 115, 116, 117, 125, 189D, 214
Social and Political Philosophy: 118, 189E, 217
Philosophy of Law: 119, 189F
Aesthetics: 123, 189G


By the last day of the Spring Quarter of the first year of residence, students must submit a paper to a committee of three readers for evaluation. This paper may be a term paper from a course, or a paper developed independently. The paper should i) develop argumentation that shows good analytical skills, and ii) exhibit acceptable interpretative skills in any discussions of the literature relevant to the topic that the paper may contain. The student is encouraged to consult with appropriate faculty members concerning the quality and content of proposed submissions. The committee is to be chosen by the GA in consultation with relevant faculty members. Committee members will submit diagnostic grades of 'Satisfactory' or 'Unsatisfactory', according to whether or not the paper meets the above two criteria. The paper will be assigned an overall grade by the GA in accordance with the following scheme:

2 or 3 unsatisfactories: Unsatisfactory

2 or 3 passes: Pass

2 or 3 satisfactories: Satisfactory

In exceptional cases committee members may judge that a paper not only satisfies the requirements of the first-year paper, but constitutes satisfactory completion of the Preliminary Requirement, the criteria for which are stated below. In such a case, they may submit the grade of 'Pass'. The overall grade will then be determined by the GA according to the following scheme: 2 or 3 passes: Pass A student receiving a grade of Unsatisfactory on the first-year paper will meet with the GA to discuss the advisability of remaining in the Ph.D. program.

The first-year paper is to be regarded as a "warm-up" for the preliminary requirement. Students should, therefore, consult the description of that requirement below.


The purpose of this requirement is to provide the faculty with evidence concerning the student's potential for writing an acceptable dissertation and for ultimately producing work of professional quality. Students who have not yet passed the preliminary requirement will submit a paper by the end of the fifth quarter of residence.  The paper will be evaluated by a three-person committee chosen by the GA in consultation with relevant faculty and the student. The paper should be no more than 25 pages. It may, but need not, be based on a paper written in a seminar, and should give evidence that the student is capable of writing work of professional quality. Accordingly, the paper will be judged on the basis of whether or not it shows an acceptable level of originality and independence of thought as well as meeting criteria i) and ii) specified above for the diagnostic first-year paper. Members of the committee will submit grades of 'Pass', 'Fail', or 'Revise'.

The GA will assign an overall grade in accordance with the following scheme:

2 or 3 passes: Pass

2 or 3 fails: Fail

2 or 3 revises: Revise

If the overall grade is Pass, the student will have passed the preliminary requirement. If the grade is Fail, the committee will advise the Department to recommend that the dean of Graduate Studies drop the student from the program. If the grade is Revise, the student will have two weeks after the paper is returned to revise it and submit it to the committee for a new reading. Committee members will then submit grades of 'Pass' or 'Fail', and the overall grade will be Pass if and only if the revision receives at least two passes. Students receiving a grade of Pass on a revised paper will have passed the preliminary requirement. If the grade is Fail, the committee will advise the department to recommend that the dean of Graduate Studies drop the student from the program.

A seminar paper that earns a grade of A does not necessarily meet the stated criterion for the grade of Pass. Sometimes seminar papers, for one reason or another, may merit a grade of A even though they are, for example, purely expository or comparative. In applying the criterion for Pass, committee members are looking for the sort of independence of thought, philosophical acuity, and analytical and interpretive skills that are essential for writing a successful dissertation. Papers in which positions or arguments are subjected to analytical scrutiny, and papers in which novel (or commonly discredited) interpretations of historical positions are defended, are examples of appropriate papers. Accordingly, papers should normally be on well-focused, manageable topics, and their goals should be clearly expressed. They are not M.A. theses in disguise, since they need not address thesis-sized topics, nor need they embody the level of research work normally expected in a thesis.

Students are strongly encouraged to consult with appropriate faculty members concerning the form and content of the paper.

Dates of submission for the diagnostic first-year paper and the preliminary paper (and revision) are not subject to extension. They are a strict function of the number of quarters in residence and the number of courses taken. Since a student will already have written a number of papers for courses, and since the requirement will have been clear from the beginning, rigidity about submission dates is in no way unreasonable.


A student who has decided on a possible dissertation topic is required to meet with the GA to determine whether a knowledge of any foreign languages is required in order to carry out the project. The GA will consult with relevant faculty in making this determination, and the student will be required to demonstrate the needed competence by examination. Any required language exams must be passed prior to admission to the Qualifying Examination (see below), and ordinarily before the end of the fourth year of residence. Students must also attain competence in any other languages deemed necessary for their research by the dissertation committee. Language exams are scheduled on an individual basis by the GA. It is the student's responsibility to inform the GA of preparedness to take the exam. Language examinations normally last three hours. They consist of the translation of a philosophical text into English. The first part of the exam is taken without benefit of a dictionary. The hour remaining continues the translation with the aid of a dictionary. The first part should reveal an ability to read well without a dictionary; the second should provide evidence of the ability to conduct research in the language in question. Students may receive credit for 299s taken in preparation for the language exam. It should also be noted that appropriate departments offer special courses for graduate students to prepare for such exams.



The Qualifying Examination Committee will be appointed in accordance with Graduate Council and Graduate Studies policies The Qualifying Exam in philosophy is oral. It is administered after the student has decided on a possible dissertation topic, and its purpose is to test the areas of expertise required by the nature of the proposed topic.

The exam should be taken within one year of the completion of the above departmental requirements 1-4, ideally by the beginning of the fourth year. The exam must be taken by the end of the fourth year of residence. Otherwise, the department will consider recommending to the Dean of Graduate Studies that the student be disqualified from the philosophy Ph.D. program.

Only students who have completed departmental requirements 1-4 and have at least a B average (3.0 GPA) in all course work taken while in graduate standing are eligible to take the exam. Students must be officially registered during the quarter in which the exam is taken.

The GA or chair must apply to Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) on the student's behalf for the setting of the exam, and this must be done at least 8 weeks before the proposed exam date. Hence it is vital for the student to consult with the GA well in advance of the proposed time of the exam.

At least two weeks before the exam, the student should submit a piece of written work on the proposed dissertation topic to the committee members. The committee will use it as a point of departure in conducting the examination. The student may also anticipate questions on the area not specifically treated in the written piece.


The committee consists of five or more members, with one member chosen from outside the department. One member serves as chair of the committee, and that member may not subsequently serve as chair of the student's dissertation committee. Prospective members of the committee are recommended to the OGS by the GA after consultation with the student. The appointment of committees will be in accordance with Graduate Council and Graduate Studies policies. Changes in committee membership are allowed only for special reasons on petition to the OGS to reconstitute the committee.


After receiving notification from the chair of the committee, the dean officially informs the student in writing of the results. (The student will already have been unofficially informed by the committee chair.) Following are the possible results:

i) Pass;

ii) Not passed, with option to retake the exam within a specified time period;

iii) Not passed, with option to satisfy specific requirements in lieu of a retake;

iv) Failure.

Regarding result ii) above, the retake must be held with the same committee unless a request to reconstitute the committee is approved. Failure to pass on the retake will result in a recommendation for disqualification from further study for the Ph.D. in philosophy.


Upon passing the qualifying exam, the GA completes and signs an application for advancement to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The application includes the proposed membership of the student's dissertation committee and is also signed by the proposed dissertation director. The student then pays a candidacy fee at the Cashier's office and submits the form to the OGS. The application must be filed at least one quarter before completion of all degree requirements.

Students who have advanced to candidacy are eligible to apply for the degree of Candidate in Philosophy. This degree is a formal indication that the student has advanced to candidacy; it is not intended as a terminal degree. This degree may be useful for students wishing to complete their dissertations while teaching elsewhere or holding any other outside position.



In accordance with Graduate Council and Graduate Studies policies, the dissertation committee is formally appointed by the dean of Graduate Studies in response to the student's application for candidacy. The committee contains five members, three of whom direct the student in the dissertation research and preparation. These are known as "reading members." One of the reading members serves as chair of the committee. (As noted above, the chair may not be the person who served as chair of the Qualifying Examination Committee.) If the committee judges that the student is not making acceptable progress on the dissertation, a written warning may be sent to the student. A student who continues to make inadequate progress for a year or more after receiving a written warning is subject to disqualification. The student should discuss the formation of the committee with the GA in advance of filing for candidacy. This will enable the GA to determine whether the proposed committee members will be available and willing to serve. Changes in an appointed committee require submission to the OGS of a request to reconstitute the committee and approval in accordance with Graduate Council and Graduate Studies policies. Changes are usually granted only for reason of 1) extended absence from campus, 2) illness, or 3) a real and justified change in the student's topic. Disagreement over the quality of a student's performance is never grounds for a change in committee membership.


The dissertation should conform to the MLA Style Manual. Detailed instructions on the form of the dissertation and abstract may be obtained from the OGS. A copy of the dissertation must be filed with the OGS no later than three weeks before the proposed date of the final exam. In special circumstances this timing requirement may be waived. This copy must be approved by the reading members of the committee, who express their approval by signing the title page.

At the time of the filing, the student is encouraged to sign an agreement with University Microfilms, Inc., for the microfilming of the dissertation and the printing of the abstract. Arrangements for copyrighting and obtaining reprints of the abstract may also be made at this time. Dissertations will be withheld from microfilming only at the written request of the student's department, and then for a period not in excess of three years from the date of the filing. Complete information is available from the OGS.


The final examination consists of an oral defense of the dissertation. The exam may not occur for at least one month after the date of the application for advancement to candidacy. The exam is administered and evaluated by the dissertation committee. The exam is open to other faculty, graduate students, and scholars. All persons attending may question the candidate, time permitting.

Students may be on Filing Fee status when the exam occurs. Further details are available from the GA and are outlined in the General Information section of this handbook.



The department requires that Ph.D. students teach at least one section of an undergraduate course during their period of graduate study. This requirement may be fulfilled by serving as a teaching assistant. Further details are available from the departmental Student Affairs Coordinator.


Ph.D. students must be registered and in University residence for a minimum of six regular quarters. Two consecutive regular Summer Sessions may be counted as the equivalent of one regular quarter if at least two units are taken in each session. There is no unit requirement established by the University (but note the departmental course requirement above).

Students must be registered in order to be employed by the department, to hold fellowships or scholarships, and (except in the case of the filing fee option) to take examinations for the Ph.D. (Under special circumstances it is sometimes possible to hire students who are not currently enrolled.)

For the department to receive credit for a student's full-time enrollment, the student must be enrolled for 12 units minimum (including 298s and 299s) per quarter. While the University requires students to carry a minimum of 8 units per quarter, the department strongly urges registered students to carry 12 units, unless employed by the department as a teaching assistant or associate instructor. Students employed in these capacities may carry a maximum of 9 units. Graduate students in residence are encouraged to take no more than 12 units of 200-level courses, nor more than 16 units of combined 100- and 200-level courses (with eight or fewer units at the 200-level).



The student must be in residence for a minimum of three quarters.


The student must complete a total of 36 units of instruction. Of these, at least 18 units must be at the 200-level, including at least 9 units from graduate seminars.


A. Logic

Satisfactory completion of Philosophy 112 (Intermediate Logic).

B. History

Satisfactory completion of three approved courses in the history of philosophy, from three of the following major categories: Plato, Aristotle, Empiricism, Rationalism, Kant. ("Approved" courses are those designated as fulfilling the Distribution Requirement of the Ph.D. degree.)

C. Metaphysics and Epistemology

One approved course, preferably a designated core course.

D. Value Theory

One approved course, preferably a designated core course.


The student must pass a take-home examination on an area selected in consultation with the GA. The examination will be graded by a three-member committee chosen by the GA in consultation with the student and relevant faculty. Each reader will grade the exam 'Pass' or 'Fail', and the GA will assign the overall grade of Pass if two or more individual grades are Pass, and will assign the grade of Fail otherwise. If the overall grade is Pass, the student will have completed the requirements for the M.A. degree. If the grade is Fail, the matter will revert to the department, which may decide to recommend that the student be allowed a second attempt, or may decide to recommend to the dean of Graduate Studies that the student be dropped from the program.


History and Philosophy of Science Program (HPS)

HPS is an interdisciplinary program with faculty in the departments of history and philosophy and affiliated faculty from departments throughout the University. The HPS faculty from philosophy are Professors Griesemer and Teller.

HPS sponsors a lecture series which draws speakers from a variety of disciplines and appeals to a diverse campus audience.Each lecture is publicized across the campus and the year's program is announced early in the fall quarter. Graduate students are encouraged to attend and to interact with speakers. A number of undergraduate and graduate interdisciplinary courses in HPS are offered through the departments of history and philosophy. The resources of the HPS program facilitate students in philosophy who have interest in pursuing a Ph.D. with substantial concentration in philosophy of science.



A listing of established courses offered by the Philosophy Department is to be found in the UC Davis General Catalog. Graduate students may enroll for credit in upper division (100-level) and graduate (200-level) courses.

Courses in which a student receives a grade of C, D, F or Unsatisfactory may be repeated with the consent of the GA and the dean of Graduate Studies. All repeated courses must be taken for a letter grade and only the most recently assigned grade will be used in computing the student's grade point average.

Any course may be repeated for credit with the prior approval of the GA and the dean of Graduate Studies, provided that the specific subject matter of the course differs each time it is taken.

With the approval of the GA, a student may elect to take one course per quarter on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis. Students advanced to candidacy may take an unlimited number of courses on an S/U basis, within the normal maximum unit load. S/U petitions must be filed with the GSO by the end of the fifth week of the quarter. The Philosophy Department endeavors to plan its course offerings in advance, thus helping students plan their future schedules with some knowledge of the courses that will be available to them. Information regarding the courses to be offered in the near future may be obtained from the Student Affairs Coordinator.


All students are required to be registered during the regular academic year from the time of first registration until receipt of the terminal degree, unless they receive approval for leave of absence under the Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP) or qualify for Filing Fee status. Students who fail to register are regarded as having withdrawn from the University and are not guaranteed readmission. Further details regarding re-admissions are given below. Academic Senate regulations require that every graduate student consult with the GA before enrolling in classes each quarter. If a student does not seek or does not follow appropriate advice, the GA may request that a "hold" be placed by the GSO on that student's registration for the following quarter.Students must be enrolled in order to:

  1. be appointed as Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Readers, Associate-Instructors, and Visiting Lecturers;
  2. hold Fellowships or Graduate Scholarships;
  3. take Qualifying Examinations;
  4. continue in the Fee Offset Program up to submission of the final, approved dissertation; and
  5. use University facilities (e.g. library check-out privileges) or faculty time for research and other studies. Some exceptions are given below for students under the filing fee option.

A. How to become a resident of California

Physical presence inCaliforniaand intent to stay for more than one year must be demonstrated before one can be considered a resident for tuition purposes. It is important to know how to show intent. If you delay taking steps to establish intent, you will delay the earliest time you can be considered a resident for fee purposes.

B. Who can become a resident

Adult citizens, permanent residents of theU.S.A.(green card holders), refugees, asylees and asylee applicants, and students with visas of type A, E, G, I, K, or L can establish legal residence.

C. What steps must be taken

You must take action to document your intent to become aCaliforniaresident. These actions include, but are not limited to: obtaining a California driver's license (or ID card if you are a non-driver); registering to vote and voting; using a California permanent address on all records; and paying income taxes as a resident of California from the date you moved here. Be sure not to file a full-year resident tax return in another state if you claim part of the year you were aCaliforniaresident. Vehicles must be registered inCaliforniawithin twenty days of arrival in the state.

D. When these steps must be taken

Take these steps one full year before the start of the quarter in which you wish to be classified as a resident. The exact deadline can be obtained from the Residence Deputy.

E. Financial independence of parents

A student does not need to be financially independent of his or her parents. A student who is financially dependent in the current and preceding calendar year shall be approved for reclassification as a California resident only if no factors exist which evidence the student's continuing residence in another state.

F. When to petition to be classified as a resident

Pick up the petition from the Registrar's Office during the quarter preceding the one for which you seek reclassification. Turn in the completed petition at least two weeks before the start of the quarter for which you seek resident status.

G. Questions on Residency

Only the Residence Deputy is authorized to provide information on residency regulations. (See address and phone number in the campus phone directory). Written information can be found in the UCD General Catalog and in other publications available from the Residence Deputy.

H. Further information

This is not a full summary of residence requirements and regulations. You are encouraged to contact the Residence Deputy and discuss your plans. Informing yourself thoroughly at this time may save you prolonged payment of non-resident fees later. The above information applies only to students who are at least 18 when they move toCalifornia.


Throughout their graduate careers students are required to pay specific fees. The basis fees are outlined below. Further information is available in the UC Davis General Catalog.

A. Application Fee

New applicants to theUniversityofCaliforniamust pay an application fee of $40.00. Effective June 1988 applicants are required to pay the application fee to every campus of the University to which they apply. Applicants to UC Davis who have been registered graduate students on another UC campus must pay the regular application fee.

B. Readmission Fee

A $40.00 readmission fee is required of all students applying for readmission after an extended absence. Students applying for Planned Educational Leave are also required to pay a $40.00 fee.

C. Registration and Educational Fee

Every full-time graduate student must pay fees for each quarter in which he or she registers, regardless of the number of enrolled units. These fees include a Registration Fee, a Memorial Union Fee, a Graduate Student Association Fee, an Educational Fee and a Health Insurance Fee. These and all other fees are subject to change without notice. Current levels for these fees are always listed in the quarterly Class Schedule and Room Directory. Fees are substantially higher for students who have not establishedCaliforniaresidency. Approved part-time students pay the full Registration Fee and one-half the Educational Fee. Approved part-time non-resident students pay these fees and one-half the non-resident tuition fee.

D. Candidacy Fee

Each applicant is charged a fee of $25.00 for advancement to candidacy for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. No student can be formally advanced to candidacy for the degree without payment of this fee.

E. Filing Fee

The Filing Fee was established expressly to assist those students who had completed all requirements for degrees except filing theses or dissertations and/or taking formal final examinations (master's comprehensive examinations or doctoral final oral examinations). Those Ph.D. students who began graduate study Fall 1978 or after and those students who have elected to join the Fee-Offset Grant Program may only use the Filing Fee under exceptional circumstances which are described under the Normative Time Program below.

To prevent abuses of the Filing Fee procedures, definite limitations on eligibility for the fee have been established. In general, these limitations are based upon the principle that students using University facilities or making demands upon faculty time other than the time involved in the reading of dissertations or theses or in holding final examinations are not eligible to employ the Filing Fee procedure. Students paying only the Filing Fee are not registered students eligible for the privileges accorded regularly enrolled students. In particular, students using the Filing Fee:

i) may not make use of University educational facilities, such as the library (unless the student has purchased a library use card);

ii) are not eligible for the services of theUniversityHealthCenteror for University housing;

iii) may not take course work of any kind;

iv) may not make use of faculty time except as noted above;

v) may not hold any academic student appointment titles* (e.g. Teaching Assistant, Associate-In, Reader, etc.);

vi) may not receive a fellowship or financial aid.

*As of 7/92 a student on Filing Fee may work one quarter (or one quarter if on PELP). If the student desires to work further, an exception may be requested through the dean of Graduate Studies. Any exceptions granted will be very rare.

Students who plan to make use of library or other facilities or to take courses must register as regular students. Students who plan to be away from the campus but to be in an instructional relationship with faculty members must register as regular students (a student outside the State ofCaliforniamay be able to register for reduced fees). Students planning to take Qualifying Examinations for the Ph.D. must register as regular students. Completion of formal course work or residency requirements does not entitle a student to apply for the Filing Fee unless she or he will use no University facilities or faculty time except as noted above.

Students wishing to make use of the Filing Fee procedure should secure a Filing Fee application from the GSO, obtain the signatures of the GA and major professor, and return the form to the GSO before they stop registering. The Filing Fee (one half the Registration Fee) is payable at the time the thesis or dissertation is filed or the comprehensive examination is completed. The fee may also be paid at the time the application is submitted to the GSO. The Filing Fee is assessed only once and may be deferred to a later quarter if the student does not finish at the anticipated time.


A. Normative Time

Normative time is the number of years considered to be reasonable for completion of a particular doctorate program by a well-prepared full-time student. The time varies by program, from4to 6 years and is measured from the time a student begins graduate study at any level at UCD. Normative time in the Philosophy Department is approximately 5 years (see Satisfactory Progress, page 33). Up to three quarters of any kind of non-registered status is allowed, without penalty, provided the student meets all the conditions for not being registered. B. Fee Offset Grant: The Fee Offset Grant will pay the educational fee each quarter after formal advancement to candidacy until the normative time is reached. Once the normative time has been exceeded, students are responsible for paying full fees. The Fee Offset Grant Program will no longer be available to students admitted in 1991 or later.

Any student whose educational fee is specifically paid by another source is not eligible to receive FOG at the same time.

Students engaged in research outside the State ofCaliforniafor an entire quarter or more may register in absentia and may be eligible to receive the In-Candidacy Fee Offset Grant in addition to a reduction on the registration fee. Contact the GSO for information on registering in absentia.

i) Regulations:

Students are expected to register for each regular quarter until all requirements for the degree are completed unless they are on an approved Planned Educational Leave or on approved Filing Fee status. Failing to retain one of these student statuses may result in loss of candidacy status. In order to regain candidacy, the student must be readmitted (which requires the approval of the GA and the dean of Graduate Studies) and may be required to meet other specific requirements, such as retaking the Qualifying Examination before being eligible for re-advancement to candidacy.

As previously stated, up to 3 quarters of any kind of non-registered status is allowed without penalty to the normative time (students must meet all the conditions for not being registered). While additional leaves of absence beyond 3 quarters may be approved for cause, they will not result in an extension of the normative time.

Students who have not used up all 3 quarters of allowable non-registered status, may use the Filing Fee program for however many quarters of non-registered status they may have remaining (again, provided all conditions for not being registered have been met).

ii) Applying

The completed application for candidacy (including suggestions for dissertation committee) and the application for In-Candidacy Fee Offset Grant must be filed in the GSO no later than the last day of the quarter prior to the one in which the first grant is to be received. The exception to this will be those students who take and pass the qualifying examination during the summer. Those students will have until the first day of instruction of the Fall quarter to submit the materials. However, they will have to pay full fees and apply for reimbursement of the IC-FOG if and when it has been approved.

All students who began graduate study at UCD Fall Quarter 1978 or after are subject to the regulations of the Normative Time-Fee Offset Grant Program whether or not they ever received the grant.

iii) Extensions: Extensions of the grant are based only on unusual circumstances that have led to delay in obtaining the degree beyond what has been established by the faculty of the program as normative time. A student should submit the following materials to support her/his request for an extension:

a. A statement of her/his academic history;

b. A statement of when she/he completed formal course work;

c. A statement of her/his employment status;

d. A clear statement of how many quarters of extension are being requested;

e. A statement of the reasons for the delay of completion of degree requirements. Acceptable reasons include, being admitted with academic deficiencies that require a substantial amount of remedial work; a radical change in research or study; and health problems;

f. A memo from the GA supporting the student's request.


A student who withdraws or breaks registration without filing for PELP is not guaranteed readmission; her or his application for readmission will be subject to the same review as a new application. If readmitted, the student must fulfill all programmatic requirements in existence at the quarter of readmission.

A. Withdrawal

Leaving the University during a quarter entails obtaining a withdrawal petition from the Registrar's Office, having it approved as directed, and then filing it with the registrar. Failure to follow this procedure may result in an "F" grade being given for each course in which the student is enrolled.

B. Planned Education Leave Program (PELP)

The Planned Educational Leave Program is designed to allow students to suspend their program of studies for good cause (i.e., illness, temporary departure from the University for employment or research away from the campus, preparing for examinations, if doing so at a distance from the campus; financial problems; personal problems), leave the campus, and be guaranteed the right to return later to resume academic work with a minimum of procedural difficulty. A $40.00 fee is charged for application to this program. The signature of the GA on the PELP application guarantees the student readmission for the quarter specified on the form. In giving approval for the leave, the GA is certifying that there will be space available for the returning student. Planned Educational Leave is recommended for those students who are certain of the quarter in which they plan to return and who plan to be away no longer than three quarters. If they are not certain of their return date, then it is suggested that the Readmission Application be used. PELP may also be used as a means of withdrawal if a student leaves in the middle of the quarter and the period of the leave is to be for more than one quarter.

i) Duration of Leave

The minimum Planned Educational Leave is one full quarter; the maximum is three quarters. Students may shorten leaves by submitting a written request at least eight weeks prior to the start of the quarter in which she or he plans to enroll. Both the GA and the dean of Graduate Studies must indicate their approval. A student may also lengthen the leave by a written request submitted to the GA and the dean at least three weeks prior to the start of the quarter in which she or he had planned to return.

ii) Availability of University Services:

A student on leave shall not be eligible to receive normal University services during the period of PELP, except as follows:

a) Placement and Student Employment Services

b) Advising and counseling

c) Housing When a student returns from PELP she/he is considered a continuing student with similar housing priority as other continuing students. Students may remain in Student Family Housing for one quarter while on PELP.

d) Financial Aid Grants and other financial aid are discontinued for the period of the leave, but financial aid counseling is available.

e) Optional Health Services A student on PELP may purchase, at her or his own option, a health card which will entitle her or him to full student health benefits. If students are out of the area, they may purchase an optional health insurance plan to provide coverage.

iii) Academic Credit Students on PELP are not eligible to enroll in concurrent courses on theDaviscampus and shall not earn academic credit atDavisduring the period of the leave.

iv)EmploymentUniversityappointment of graduate students on PELP will be discouraged and will be prohibited for salary titles ordinarily used for support of graduate students, such as Teaching Assistants, Associates-In, Readers, etc.

C. Readmission

Students who cease to register for any reason without either a prior PELP application or approved Filing Fee status must submit a Readmission Application in order to register again. However, readmission is not automatic and cannot be guaranteed. The application for readmission is evaluated in competition with all other applicants for the program. The Readmission application requires a $40.00 fee.


The majority of graduate students receive some form of financial assistance. The Philosophy department makes every effort to give financial support to qualified students who are making satisfactory progress in the program until the end of the established normative time period. However, the department does not have the resources to support all of its graduate students who need and deserve financial assistance. Consequently, students needing financial aid are urged to apply to all of the available sources. Note that there is a separate application process for each of the sources of aid discussed below. The three general sources of financial aid for graduate students at this University are: their home department, the Graduate Studies Office; and the Financial Aid Office. Information regarding other sources of aid from non-University sources is posted on the Graduate Students Bulletin Board as it is received by the department.

A. Philosophy Department Aid Available

Teaching Assistantships, Readerships, Associate Instructor, Research Assistantships, Clerical Assistantships.

The department has available a limited amount of fellowship money. Fellowship applications for continuing students are due in the graduate office by January 15 each year.

The department has available, on a regular basis, six full-year Teaching Assistantships (50% time). This is equivalent to eighteen quarters. During the year the department normally receives additional TAships that are not part of its permanent allocation. The monthly stipend for these positions varies from year to year.

Readerships are paid at an hourly rate and are available to qualified graduate students. The number of readerships available at any given time depends on the need for them in undergraduate courses.

The department has a limited number of half-time Associate Instructor (Associate-In) positions available. Associates teach introductory level or special lower division courses. The number of these positions available in a given year depends on the allocation of funds from the University. An M.A. degree is required.

Faculty members who receive research grants may employ research assistants. These positions are open irregularly, and special expertise in the area of research is usually required.From time to time, the department staff employs students for sundry tasks, e.g., keeping the office open when staff is away. These clerical assistantships are irregular and paid on an hourly basis.

Applications for all these positions are available from the department staff. Teaching Assistantship and Associate-In applications should be completed during spring quarter prior to the academic year for which positions are sought. Readership applications may be accepted at any time. Summer Session applications are due in October of the year prior. The department makes every effort to support all qualified students in their second through fifth years of residence, if they are making satisfactory progress in the program (as defined on page 31) and if it is possible to do so. This general policy does not preclude the assignment of available funds to other individuals, such as promising new applicants to the graduate program. For students who do not obtain fellowships, such support generally consists of two quarters of teaching (2/3 TA or 1/2 TA plus Associate-In).

The assignments of TA positions to continuing students takes place at the annual evaluation meeting held at the end of the Spring quarter. Prior to this meeting, all students eligible for assistantships should state in their applications their preferences for the quarters in which they wish an appointment. Taking this information into account, the department makes specific quarter assignments of assistantships. Assignments can then be delayed or changed only on the basis of departmental teaching needs. For quarters in which students have been assigned a TA position, assignment of specific course duties takes place in the following way: One month prior to the start of each quarter, students who will be teaching in that quarter must submit their ranked preferences to the department chair. The chair, in consultation with the course instructors, appoints the assistants as soon as possible, but in no case later than the end of the quarter prior to the one in question (or by the middle of September for Fall quarter assignments).

Those Associate Instructor positions known to have been funded at the time of annual evaluation meeting will also be assigned. The department informs qualified students of their general chances of receiving an Associate-In position if further funding becomes available.

Supervision of teaching assistants, associate instructors, and readers is under the auspices of the Graduate Teaching Supervisor. Normally, the supervisor is the department chair.

Outside Support: Because the department has insufficient resources to support all of its students, it has adopted the following rules concerning departmental support (other than fellowships) for students who have a fellowship from an external source.

(1) The student's combined support (the outside fellowship, plus department support, minus all the student's financial obligations to UCD, such as students fees) will not exceed one and one third the support that would be received from three TAships (excluding the fee waiver). Support from outside the department will be considered fellowship support if it so qualifies for income tax purposes.

(2) When students apply for departmental support they are expected to inform the department of any fellowship support from outside the department applied for, received, or anticipated.

B. The Graduate Studies Office Aid Available

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Research Awards.

i) Fellowships and Scholarships

Detailed information and application forms for fellowships and graduate scholarships may be obtained from the GSO, 252 Mrak Hall. There are three types of awards: (1) Chancellor's Graduate Fellowships based on academic merit and financial need, (2) general awards based on academic merit alone, and (3) Graduate Opportunity Fellowships (GOF/Affirmative Action) that support students from ethnic minority groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate programs; women in certain disciplines; and students with disabilities. Students will not be considered for awards if their grade point average in undergraduate work or completed graduate work is less than 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. (3.25 for NRTF)

These awards are made primarily on the basis of scholarship and promise of outstanding academic and professional contribution. In evaluating applications, consideration is given to the extent and quality of previous work; evidence of ability in research or other creative accomplishment; evidence of intellectual capacity; and promise of productive scholarship. Items included in such evaluation are the following: GRE scores, undergraduate and graduate GPA, academic transcripts, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation and other documentation (e.g., publications, awards).

It should be noted that the application procedures for new students and those for continuing and re-entry students differ. Details of procedures are to be found in the reference book, Annual Register of Grant Support, available in the GSO and at Shields Library. All required documents must be filed by January 15 prior to the academic year for which the award is sought. Other important dates in the award process are to be found in the Graduate Student Support Calendar (see page 29). Consult the GSO for current award amounts. Many regulations apply to students holding these awards. Since award holders are expected to devote full time to graduate study or research, these regulations limit the employment of students holding awards. Furthermore, award holders are not permitted to hold a second major fellowship, scholarship, or other award. With regard to employment, the general rule is that award holders may not be employed more than 25% of full time, and even that much only if employment does not hinder the student's progress towards the degree. This 25% limit is calculated relative to the time-span of the award (usually nine months), thus allowing students to work 50% time for three months (one academic quarter) if they work no more than 25% in a second quarter and not at all for the rest of the award period (or, 25% employment in each of the three quarters, etc.). Thus, award holders can receive funding as a TA or Associate-In for one quarter along with more limited appointment in a second quarter (e.g., a Readership). Exceptions to these policies may be considered and approved or denied by the dean of Graduate Studies in each case.

ii) UCD Graduate Humanities Research Awards:

Research Awards are provided to registered students who need additional financial support in the conduct of their research project. Summer funds are available to students registered in the preceding Spring quarter.

Awards are made once a year for a period from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Applications are usually available in the preceding February in the GSO. They are due in early May to the department chair. Applicants must submit a detailed budget breakdown, a detailed statement of the proposed project and a supporting letter from their major professor (usually the individual supervising their dissertation research). Awards are announced in early June.

Funds may not be used for travel to scholarly meetings, preparation of thesis copy, per diem expenses, living expenses, and so on.

Funds may be used for such purposes as computer time, photocopying and other reproduction of documents, transportation costs of travel to distant research facilities, and needed equipment (equipment always becomes the property of the University).

Students are urged to apply for these awards. Further information is available from the GA or the GSO.

C. Financial Aid Office

The UCD Financial Aid Office offers aid to graduate students with demonstrable financial need in the form of grants, loans, and work-study funding. Graduate students may apply for a variety of aid by obtaining a financial aid packet from the Financial Aid Office in Voorhies Hall and filling out and submitting the form "Free Application for Federal Student Aid" (FAFSA). Directions for completing and submitting the FAFSA and required supporting documentation are detailed in the financial aid instructions included in the application. Upon receiving the completed FAFSA and supporting documents, the Financial Aid Office determines the student's needs and assigns funds from a combination of available sources. The Financial Aid Office accepts completed FAFSA from graduate students after January 1 and before March 2. Support is awarded on a first-come-first-served basis.

A student who demonstrates financial need may be offered a low-interest loan, some work-study funds, and a grant together in a single financial aid package. The student then has the option of accepting or declining all, some, or none of the offered aid. The student might accept the grant and work study while declining the offered loan.

The Financial Aid Office attempts to notify applicants of awards by June 30. This target date is subject to revision in the event of changes in federal regulations. Students who receive funding through the Financial Aid Office and who then receive funding from another source, for instance from their home department or from the GSO, must report the additional funds to the Financial Aid Office immediately. Failure to do so may result in having to repay all funds received, along with other penalties.

The Financial Aid Office also offers financial aid counseling to all students interested in these sources of aid.

D. Emergency and Short-Term Loans

The Short-Term Loan Office, located in Univesity House Annex, offers emergency services to help students meet educational expenses. This service is not affiliated with other channels of financial aid in any way. The Short-Term Loan Office provides emergency, short-term, and teaching assistant loans to students who find themselves low on funds needed for education-related expenses but who can demonstrate a definite source of income for their education with which to repay the loan. All regularly enrolled students are eligible for the loans, as are students admitted to UCD but not yet registered. Students need not be eligible for other financial assistance in order to apply. Students are not eligible if they have ever defaulted on a student loan. Students may have all types of loans simultaneously. Payment record is taken into account in reviewing loan applications. The application form for these loans requires itemization of expenses and proof of some source of repayment. Cost of books, research expenses, fees, and even necessary living expenses such as food and housing are acceptable education expenses. Conditions and amounts available for each type of loan are:

i) Emergency Loans - maximum of $200.00

Must be repaid within 30 days; funds are available immediately upon approval; interest of 1% per month charged on overdue loans; interest-free if repaid on time; not available between quarters or during the summer (except to summer school students).

ii) Short-Term Loans - maximum of $300.00 (or amount of in-state registration fees for one quarter)

Maximum repayment period of five months; loans must be paid back by end of academic year or before date of graduation, whichever comes first; repayment schedule determined according to repayment resources; interest free unless student leaves school prior to repayment; funds available three working days after loan approval.

iii) Assistant Loans - maximum of one month's salary available to TA's and Associate-In's only; available prior to and during Fall Quarter, or the first quarter of your appointment; interest of 1% per quarter; repayment by payroll deduction over a maximum of six months; loans must be paid back by end of academic year or before date of graduation, whichever comes first; funds available four working days after loan approval.

Further details are available from the Short-Term Loan Office. Short-Term and Assistant loans require an appointment with the Short-Term Loan Office. Appointments may be made by telephone.

E. Graduate Student emergency Loan Fund (GSELF)

Maximum Loan Amount -- $2,000.00

The GSELF managed by GSO, is designed spedifically to meet the unexpected needs of graduate students. The loan program offers a minimal application procedure and a liberal repayment schedule tailored individually, and is interest free if repaid in 90 days. Registered graduate students in good standing are eligible. Application and information available in the GSO.

F. Graduate Student Support CalendarJanuary 1 (before March 2) submit completed FAFSA applications to the Financial Aid Office.

January 15 Final filing date for all fellowship applications

March 1 Date for filing application for Teaching Assistant and Associate Instructor positions.

March 15 Approximate date for announcement of general fellowship awards.

April 15 Final date for acceptance or rejection of fellowship awards by recipients


A. Professional Activities

The department strongly urges all graduate students to engage in professional activities as part of their graduate education. In particular, students are urged to attend the department's annual colloquium series. Attendance at talks and lectures and participation in discussion are seen as valuable experience in becoming integrated into the academic profession. Graduate student input is sought for the process of choosing departmental visitors. Graduate students are allowed to nominate one graduate student to represent their views on the department Colloquium Committee. The graduate students should nominate their representative at the end of the Spring quarter for each coming academic year. The graduate students' preferences are generally the primary factor in choosing one of the colloquium's speakers, subject to departmental approval.

Students should try to attend talks by visitors and speakers at other universities and colleges in the area, particularly at UC Berkeley. Notices of events at other campuses are posted in the department as received. Students are also urged to attend the annual Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association.

Department-funded University transportation is sometimes available free of charge to groups of three or more who wish to attend these and other professional activities at locations away from Davis. Vehicles which seat from five to fifteen passengers are available to students who are also University employees. Details are available from the department's principal staff assistant.

B. Policy on Graduate Travel Support:

i) If the department has available travel funds, support for meetings and trips on the West Coast may be determined at the time of the request, and an advance may be provided. Available funding for trips to theMidwestor the East Coast will be determined at the end of the fiscal year and trips will be reimbursed retroactively.

ii) Funding will be available only to students nearing the end of their work who have been offered a job interview or to students who are presenting a paper or are otherwise on the program of an APA or other philosophical meeting. Students who are listed on the program of a meeting will be eligible to receive Graduate Research Travel funds from the GSO.

iii) Funding will not be available for students who wish to travel to another campus to hear a special lecture. Students should discuss such trips with faculty who may be attending and who will be willing to offer rides. Inter-campus travel may also be available from the Office of Research for such trips.


Registered UCD students also have library privileges at otherUniversityofCaliforniacampuses. Students wishing to utilize facilities at UC Berkeley can take the inter-campus bus at $5.50 one-way. Prior reservations are required. Further details are available from the department staff.


The department appoints a placement officer to assist students in locating and securing employment. Early in the Fall quarter the placement officer meets with all job seekers to put together, review, or update the dossiers. General strategies for job seeking are discussed. Graduate students are urged to contact the placement officer as soon as they begin to look at the job market.

Students should recognize that there are three basic types of employment opportunities in philosophy at the college level. The first is part-time, temporary employment which is common among the campuses of the state university system and on the junior and community college level. A number of our graduate students have been employed on this basis. The M.A. degree is generally required for such a position. This kind of work, while perhaps lucrative to the post-M.A. student, will slow down progress towards the Ph.D. The second kind of job is the limited (non-tenure track) full-time position. In today's job market, such positions are usually given to students having completed all but their dissertations (ABD), a stage in the student's work which is formally recognized by this University with the Candidate in Philosophy degree. It is quite difficult to make significant progress on the dissertation under such employment conditions, particularly if the job requires teaching four courses each semester, as is common. The third type is the potentially permanent position which usually carries with it the possibility of tenure. Such jobs are generally reserved for those with a Ph.D. at the time of appointment, but may be given to ABD's.

Most tenure-track and full-time limited appointments require interviews at the annual meetings of the American Philosophical Association. Interviews for the best jobs are usually held at the meeting of the Eastern Division, which annually occurs on the East Coast between Christmas and New Year's. Students who believe that they are serious candidates for such jobs should make every effort to attend these meetings. The Pacific Division meeting, during Spring break, generally has very little to offer by way of job openings.

Students who are on the job market will be supported with a one-time grant to reimburse in part the hotel and airfare costs incurred in travel to professional meetings. The amount of the grant is affected each year by any budget constraints and by the number of students on the job market.

Job listings are posted on the bulletin board in the department office, but many job openings are only listed in Jobs for Philosophers (JFP), which is available to members of the APA free of charge. Students who will soon be seeking employment should become members of the APA so that they can receive this publication when it is issued. Recent copies of JFP are always available from the placement officer. Students can arrange to have placement notices mailed to them if they are not in residence.


The graduate advisor is recommended by the chair and appointed by the graduate dean to serve as the official in charge of matters affecting graduate students with regard to the academic program. In particular, there are a number of forms and applications for which only the graduate advisor's signature is recognized as official departmental approval. It is the graduate advisor's duty to evaluate a wide range of academic requests made by graduate students throughout their careers, to monitor and report on each student's progress each year, and to act as the student's primary source of academic information.

Students should meet regularly with the graduate advisor to discuss their progress; academic regulations require that this occur at least once each quarter, to review and approve the student's course of study for that quarter. A student's course of study can be disapproved and the graduate advisor has the power to place a "hold" on the registration of students who pursue a program of study not approved of. Such "holds" remain in effect until the student meets with the graduate advisor and resolves any conflicts between the desires of the student and the department's program for that student.

Some of the other responsibilities of the graduate advisor are:

1. Review and act on petitions to drop or add courses of any sort and to take courses on an S/U basis.

2. Review and approve legitimate petitions for Advancement to M.A. candidacy.

3. Recommend, following consultation with the student, the formation of Qualifying Examination Committees and of Dissertation Committees.

4. Recommend, following student request, PELP petitions. Students should consult the graduate advisor regarding any questions about academic policies.


All graduate students are invited to attend open meetings of the department. Some meetings (including those regarding personnel matters) are deemed executive and are closed to graduate students. The agenda for all open meetings is distributed in advance to graduate students as well as faculty. Any graduate student is free to inform the department chair of proposals for agenda items.

The graduate student body of the department has one vote to be used in voting at open meetings. Students are to determine among themselves how to cast their one ballot.

The faculty retains the right to rescind attendance and voting privileges.


Each year at the end of finals week of the Spring quarter, the faculty meets to assess the progress of students and to allocate departmental financial aid. Any information provided by a student to the graduate advisor or the student's major professor will be taken into account. Faculty members who cannot attend the meeting submit information on their students and advisees and also may submit proxy votes concerning financial aid allocations. Afterwards, the department instructs the graduate advisor to provide each student with a written or oral report summarizing departmental opinion, including strengths, weaknesses and advice (e.g., to concentrate more on a certain area, leave the program, etc.). These letters also contain awards of financial aid, if made. Letters are received by students by approximately the end of June. Meetings between all faculty and graduate students are held as needed to discuss the state of the graduate program.

At the beginning of each academic year, graduate students should meet with the chair and the graduate advisor to clarify the program and to address problems.


Given the normative time of five years for the Ph.D. program, graduate students are expected to achieve certain established academic goals at fixed times during their academic careers. Satisfactory progress in the Ph.D. program is defined in terms of these fixed goals. Satisfactory progress plays a major role in determining how students are evaluated at the end of each academic year and in the assignment of departmental financial aid to continuing students.

As a general rule, satisfactory progress is considered in terms of the attainment, by the end of the indicated years, of the following:

First year: Completion of all courses with 3.0 G.P.A. or higher. Submission of diagnostic first year paper.

Second year: Passing of 112. Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher. Passing of Preliminary Requirement.

Third year: Completion of course requirement with 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. or higher.

Fourth year: Completion of Qualifying Examination, and language requirement. Advancement to Candidacy. Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.

Although it is not part of the definition of satisfactory progress, students are expected to form their dissertation committees during the fourth year.

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